Have you ever had a “close call” with your dog and ended up in your veterinary clinic spending huge amounts of money?
Dogsafe® will save you money by teaching you how to conduct head-to-tail assessments to compare what is a medical emergency versus something that you can monitor at home. Dogsafe® will also save you money by showing you how these head-to-tail assessments may alert you to health conditions before they progress into something more serious requiring significant veterinary costs.
Have you ever wondered what you would do, and how you would react, in an emergency involving your dog while camping, walking or just relaxing at home?
Emergencies can negatively affect you, both physically and psychologically, if you are not prepared. Dogsafe® will teach you how to assess any emergency incident in 4 easy steps and teach you what to do if your dog is choking, requires CPR, gets hit by a car, gets impaled by a stick, gets bit by a dog, experiences heat stroke or hypothermia and much more. Your dog is depending on you.
Have you ever wondered what life would be like without your dog?
You already provide a warm and comfortable place to sleep, the most nutritious food and the most loving companionship. What could be more important than knowing how to save their life? Or at the very least, knowing how to comfort and help your dog when they are injured? You won’t have to worry about the “what if” anymore. Dogsafe® will give you the confidence to deal with any emergency and therefore, peace of mind.